○ 同性愛の犯罪化の廃止
○ 性的指向または性同一性差別の廃止
○ LGBTの人々への理解(受容)を広める
オランダはこれらの目標達成のために、人権基金(Human Rights Fund)を通じ、この問題を国際フォーラムや二国間で取り上げていきます。また、北大西洋条約機構(NATO)のメンバーやEUと協力し、LGBTに対する暴力と差別の廃止と平等な権利を確立する対策を進めます。さらにオランダは各国にあるオランダ王国大使館を通じ、LGBTの平等な権利について政治的対話を行い、地元のLGBT団体と協力し、ゲイ・プライドイベントのサポートや国際ホモフォビア・デー(IDAHOT、5月17日)のイベントに注目するなど積極的な役割を果たして参ります。
The Netherlands and Equal Rights for LGBTI
On April 1st 2001, the Netherlands was the first country to acknowledge same-sex marriage. Four couples were married that day and soon, more couples followed.
Discrimination is unlawful and same-sex couples have been able to adopt children in the Netherlands since 2001.
Every year, the city of Amsterdam hosts the Gay Pride with boat parading through the canals to support the LGBT community. It grew out from a small event in 1996 to an internationally well-known event with over 350.000 people visiting it every year.
The Netherlands was a pioneer back then and we still stand strong in supporting equal rights for LGBTI. Although equal rights are still not at the point we want it to be, with our human rights policy, the Netherlands is trying to establish justice and respect for all. We believe that doing so is a moral and legal obligation, not just for us, but also for a more stable and prosperous world.
Despite these improvements, the LGBT community still meets many inequalities in various countries, where it is still considered a crime to express your sexual orientation.
The Netherlands seeks
○ To abolish criminalization of homosexuality
○ To oppose discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and/or gender identity
○ To achieve wider social acceptance of LGBT people
The Netherlands tries to achieve these goals by systematically raising these issues in international forums; through the Human Rights Fund, and in bilateral relations. Together with other NATO state members and with the EU we seek to create guidelines to abolish violence and discrimination against LGBT people and create equal rights. The Netherlands will also play an active role for LGBT persons in political dialogues, maintain ties with local LGBT organizations, support Gay Pride events, and pay attention to the annual International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT, 17 May)
The Netherlands and the LGBTI Community in Japan
The Embassy of the Netherlands in Tokyo has hosted several meetings and events with Japanese partner associations, and is always interested to host or co-host events that reflect its policy of promoting acceptance of LGBT.