Being Yourself Matters.
American Express welcomes and values individual diversity, whether it be race, gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, religion, physical ability, characteristics, and values. Through inclusion, we are building a culture that respects all colleagues which gives everyone the opportunity to succeed.
PRIDE+ Network
PRIDE+ Networkは、性的マイノリティをサポートする社内ネットワークです。LGBTQA+を含む全社員が自分らしく、最も高いパフォーマンスを発揮できる職場環境の醸成のため、社内でのLGBTQA+に対する理解を促進するとともに、社内制度や自社サービスのインクルーシビティの向上を目指して活動しています。
PRIDE + Network is an internal network that supports sexual minorities. We aim to foster a work environment where all colleagues, including LGBTQA+, can demonstrate their own personalities and bring their highest performance. We promote understanding of LGBTQA+ within the company and inclusion for our products and services.

PRIDE+ Network Members

Tokyo Rainbow Pride2019参加の様子
Same-sex partnership system: We introduced a same-sex partnership system to our internal rules to eliminate differences in gender-based personnel systems and welfare programs.
Guidelines for employee gender reassignment / gender transition support: We believe that everyone has the right to be who they are. We introduced guidelines for transgender colleagues to assist in being their true selves.
【Work With Pride指標】 PRIDE指標は、LGBTQA+にとって働きやすい職場の評価のため、任意団体のwork with Prideが2016年に作成した指標です。 アメリカン・エキスプレスは、2019年から、最高位であるゴールドを受賞しています。The PRIDE index was created in 2016 by wwP, a voluntary organization, to recognize employers who create a workplace where LGBTQA+ can work comfortably. We have been awarded the highest Gold Award since 2019. |
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